When Mr. Korb is Away, the Artists Work REALLY hard!

“Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing.” — John Andrew Holmes

But you CANNOT fly or turn into a ROBOT. (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/224/d/1/You_Can_Do_Anything_by_Faceless_Fantasy.png)

Art Foundations: Grids and Math

Drawn from a GRID and a PHOTO (http://th00.deviantart.net/fs29/PRE/f/2008/128/d/0/Grid_Drawing___Headphones_by_vampyremuffin.jpg)


  1. 1.2 Create art that demonstrates an understanding of how your ideas relate to the techniques (colored pencil layering) and process (grid and drawing) you are using.
  2. 6.1 compare aspects of the visual arts with aspects of other disciplines through Mathematical Ratios and Transferring images

What are the challenges you have been having with this process? What colors have you begun using and how easy / hard has this been for you?. Did you need or offer help from / to a classmate? Collaboration is ESSENTIAL to solving problems.

Advanced Drawing: One more day to practice the FACE!

Facial Features… but YOU draw the entire face. Watch and Look… Impress me so we aren’t starting back at individual features. (http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/340/7/a/facial_features_by_arandadill-d4ib357.jpg)


  1. 1.4 Initiate, define, and solve challenging visual arts problems using skills of (1.4.1) analysis (.2) synthesis (.3) evaluation.
  2. (5.1) Identify the intentions and purposes behind making art.

What interests you? What sorts of locations are you comfortable in? What sorts of locations make you uncomfortable? What did you do today that brought the work to a place where you can understand what is going to happen?

AP Studio Art: Art and Fear, Website too…

Thar She Blows! (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8b/Moby_Dick_final_chase.jpg)


  1. 2.6 create multiple solutions to visual challenges that show understanding in relationships between composition and meaning of artwork
  2. 6.1 compare aspects of the visual arts with aspects of other disciplines by being inspired by  music and text.

On your goal sheets…Think about your Art and Fear image and how it is coming. Also please consider the website you have been working on and think about how you are doing. If you need to make changes to your site – make sure you are making the changes. Are you ANY CHAPTERS behind in the Art and Fear Book? Make sure you are up to speed there. Take the last 5 minutes to talk with your neighbors about the meaning of your Art and Fear works – if you are struggling – ASK QUESTIONS and LISTEN to the conversations.

What do you want to accomplish? Well… set your Goals and GO FOR IT!

“Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing.” — John Andrew Holmes

Art Foundations: Math and Art – Grids and Ratios

Can you see the underlying grid? We are going to make SURE you can in our drawings. (http://teacherscount.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/in-flight.jpg)


  1. 3.2 Apply ideas in art and use skill to solve visual challenges.
  2. 6.1 compare aspects of the visual arts with aspects of other disciplines through Mathematical Ratios and Transferring images / blending colors.

What is the color scheme you are using – label on the bottom of the page. What is the reason you have chosen the image you have chosen? Share image with your classmate and explain the process of measuring and transferring image.

Advanced Drawing: Faces – Let’s begin with the Mouth

Pucker Up Sunshine! (http://www.methodsofhealing.com/files/2009/04/cherry-lips.jpg)


  1. 1.4 Initiate, define, and solve drawing the lips through using .4.1) analysis (.2) synthesis (.3) evaluation
  2. . Identify the intentions and purposes behind making art.

What was the most challenging way to draw? Why was this most difficult way to go? How OFF were you from the original that you drew from your memory? What is most important about drawing when it comes to observation?

AP Studio Art: “Of Sailors and Whales”

“Call me Ishmael” – Herman Melville, “Moby Dick” (http://cdn.mhpbooks.com/uploads/2013/04/moby-dick.jpg)


  1. 2.6 create multiple solutions to visual challenges that show understanding in relationships between composition and meaning of artwork
  2. 6.1 compare aspects of the visual arts with aspects of other disciplines by being inspired by music and text.

What is your plan for accomplishing this one work in the short time allowed? What was the struggle you had in the past 2 weeks creating 2 works? What struggled? What soared? What will you have to do to adjust your working schedule.

Friday is here and the time is right – for not being overwhelmed by all that I still have to do!

“When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.” — Zig Ziglar

Ugh… (Thanks: http://www.takingfitnessfurther.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/overwhelmed2.jpg)

Art Foundations: Color Schemes and Enlarging images with a Grid

Picasso was a cheery ol fellow… during his ROSE period. (http://www.dailyartfixx.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Acr%C3%B3bata-y-joven-arlequ%C3%ADn-Pablo-Picasso-Rose-Period-1905.jpg)


  1. 1.4 Define and UNDERSTAND the color schemes and using analysis (what are the colors that we, as painters / drawers use to make all the other colors? How have we broken the colors down into groupings and relationships?)
  2. 1.2 Create art that demonstrates an understanding of how your ideas relate to materials and technique (grid / viewfinder / magazine advertisements with photographs – no cartoons or drawings).

What is the difference in dyes and pigments? What color scheme would it be if… COLOR SCHEME GAME SHOW AGAIN! Prizes and the like!

Advanced Drawing: Gesture Drawings – Once more we go creeping on the unsuspecting public

Let’s make ONE image that carries MANY figures across the page. demonstrate movement! (http://th03.deviantart.net/fs10/PRE/i/2006/132/9/d/Gesture_Drawings__Yoga_Steve_by_WingedIllusion.jpg)


  1. 1.4 Define, and solve QUICK and UNAWARE FIGURES through GESTURE DRAWINGS using skills of (1.4.1) analysis (.2) synthesis and  (.3) evaluation.

With your neighbor and in your journal… what did you feel about the process of Gesture Drawing? How do you think it might help you prepare yourself for the figure? What was FUN? What was challenging?

AP Studio Art: Website Development, Art and Fear.

Easier than you think? (http://www.blackfin.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/39.jpg)


  1. 5.3 describe rationale of breadth works by analyzing 5.3.1 techniques (WHAT IS THE ELEMENT / PRINCIPLE that you are focused on?). What are YOUR GOALS?

What have you accomplished this week? What are the major artworks that are still in need of weekend work? Are you thinking about the GROWTH of your CONCENTRATION or are you just going through the motions? Process!

What is your observation of the space around you?

“When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.” Zig Ziglar

How do YOU cover your sense of being overwhelmed?

Art Foundations: Color Theory – Color Wheel – Color Schemes

Our color wheel as well as the tints, shades, and tones.


  1. 1.4 Define color schemes and uses using analysis to define color relationships.
  2. 1.1 apply media, techniques, and processes with 1.1.1 skill 1.1.3 and awareness so that your ideas are executed well.

List as many of the color schemes and examples of colors in the scheme with your neighbor.

Advanced Drawing: Gesture Drawings on the move…

From the sketchbook – Real People – Real Fast.


  1. 1.4 Define, and solve QUICK and UNAWARE FIGURES through GESTURE DRAWINGS using skills of (1.4.1) analysis (.2) synthesis.
  2. 1.4 Initiate, define, and solve challenging visual arts problems using skills of (1.4.1) analysis (.2) synthesis (.3) evaluation.

Think about and compare the drawings we did yesterday – fast and furious. What were the major differences between then and today? Have a conversation with your neighbor about that and then… write the comments down so you can reflect on them later.

AP Studio Art: Computer and Website / Edit images

What are you doing? What have you NOT done? Why is a deadline important?


  1. 1. Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations (how to use and organize your files in Google Drive and on WordPress).

What is the biggest challenge you see in the process of developing and keeping a website up and running for yourself? What steps are you afraid to ask about? Write that down so you can give yourself permission to ask those questions later.

Relationships are the KEY to Life… and art.

“When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.” Zig Ziglar

Art Foundations: Color Theory – Color Wheel – Color Schemes

What are the DOMINANT COLORS that were used in this magazine cover?


  1. 1.4 Define color schemes using analysis (what are the colors that we, as painters / drawers use to make all the other colors?)

Review with your neighbors the relationships of the colors on the color wheel – what are the color schemes that we have discussed today?

Advanced Drawing: Gesture Drawing

Rembrandt used gesture drawings as preliminary idea drawings. How can you use them?

Lets begin with a drawing of the human form from MEMORY – 8 minutes… what do you remember a person looking like? GO!


  1. 5.1 identify the rationale behind making gesture drawings
  2. 3.3 describe the creation of images and ideas and explain why they are of value

What was the most challenging way to draw? Why was this most difficult way to go? How OFF were you from the original that you drew from your memory? What is most important about drawing when it comes to observation?

AP Studio Art: What are you doing with Art and Fear? How goes the Website?

While Miley Cyrus is terrifying enough… this is really frightening. What make you fearful? Art?


  1. 3.1 reflect on how your art differs and describe how it relates to the Breadth you have begun.
  2. 3.3 describe the creation of your images and ideas and how they work with your breadth work.

As we begin – stop and talk to your neighbors and discuss the Art and Fear Chapter – get FEEDBACK – and talk about the WEBSITE. How’s it going?

What did you accomplish today? What do you need to do tomorrow?  What are your challenges as we progess forward with the 

Worry About the Process and NOT About the Finished Product

“When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.” —Zig Ziglar

What is overwhelming you and why are you still sitting there?

Art Foundations: Color Theory / Schemes / Value

Thanks Jamie: AGAIN for the FIRST TIME! http://www.jaimetreadwell.com/colorwheel.JPG


  1. 1.4 Define visual challenges using analysis (what are the colors that we, as painters / drawers use to make all the other colors?)

Review with neighbors the relationships of the colors on the color wheel? QUIZ one another on the names, types and relationships of the colors.

Advanced Drawing: Gesture!

Thanks Jamie! http://www.jaimetreadwell.com/pafa-drawing-figure-02.JPG


  1. 1.4 Define, and solve GESTURE DRAWINGS using skills of (1.4.1) analysis (.2) synthesis.
  2. Identify the intentions and purposes behind Gesture Drawing / figure study.

What was the most challenging way to draw? Why was this most difficult way to go? How OFF were you from the original that you drew from your memory? What is most important about drawing when it comes to observation?

AP Studio Art: Art and Fear – Chapters / Collection of Art

How did Matisse come up with this “Pink Nude?” Was it a one and done… oh no mister… it was a PROCESS.


  1. Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations (how to use and organize your files in Google Drive)
  2. What is a PERSONAL GOAL that you can create for the next 3 days that is big enough to create an umbrella but not too big, and narrow enough to be focused but is not an agenda item. (Look at the NATIONAL STANDARDS for examples…)

How much work have you photographed? How much work have you edited? How can I help you in the computer lab and in this process of creating a respectable website / digital portfolio?

Get Involved, develop Hope and Accomplishment. Make Things Better.

“When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.”Zig Ziglar

Oh No… So Much To Do!

Art Foundations: Hand in your 2 Point Perspective Drawings / COLOR

What do you think is WRONG with this picture? https://artwithkorb.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/color_wheel_pencils.jpg


  1. 1.4 Define visual challenges using analysis (what are the colors that we, as painters / drawers use to make all the other colors?)

What are the three types of colors on the color wheel? What can you NOT mix? How do you mix Orange, etc…

Advanced Drawing: Hand in your Hallway Drawings / Gesture Drawing

Gesture Drawings! The BEGINNING of the Figure Study. Let’s Gesture!


  1. 1.4 Define, and solve GESTURE DRAWINGS using skills of (1.4.1) analysis (.2) synthesis. Identify the intentions and purposes behind Gesture Drawing / figure study.

What was the most challenging way to draw? Why was this most difficult way to go? How OFF were you from the original that you drew from your memory? What is most important about drawing when it comes to observation?

AP Studio Art: Hand in 2 Works from last week (and 2 works from PREVIOUS series of Works)


  1. 1. Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations (how to use and organize your files in Google Drive)
  2. 5.3 describe rationale of breadth works by analyzing 5.3.1 techniques (WHAT IS THE ELEMENT / PRINCIPLE that you are focused on?).

What is your plan for accomplishing this one work in the short time allowed? What was the struggle you had in the past 2 weeks creating 2 works? What struggled? What soared? What will you have to do to adjust your working schedule?